Football Programs

Nov. 30, 1905 Emmett at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 16, 1921 Rochester Jeffersons at Decatur Staleys

Nov. 13, 1921 Syracuse Pros at Washington Senators

Sept. 30, 1922 Carnegie Tech at Yale University

Oct. 15, 1922 Minneapolis Marines at Dayton Triangles

Nov. 11, 1922 Carnegie Tech at Penn State

Nov. 18, 1922 Holmesburg at Frankford Yellow Jackets

October 13, 1923 New Haven at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 2, 1923 Gonzaga at Idaho

Oct. 19, 1924 Hammond Pros at Kenosha (Nash-Simmons) Maroons

Nov. 27, 1924 Rahway at Elizabeth

Sept. 26, 1925 William Penn University at Grinnell College

Sept. 26, 1925 Buffalo Bisons at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 3, 1925 Providence Steam Rollers at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 10, 1925 Canton Bulldogs at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 17, 1925 NY Giants at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 18, 1925 Frankford Yellow Jackets at NY Giants

Oct. 18, 1925 Pottsville Maroons at Providence Steam Roller

Nov. 1, 1925 Cleveland Bulldogs at NY Giants

Nov. 7, 1925 Grinnell College at Iowa State University Ames

Nov. 7, 1925 Akron Pros at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 11, 1925 Rochester Jeffersons at NY Giants

Nov. 14, 1925 Pottsville Maroons at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 15, 1925 Providence Steam Rollers at NY Giants

Nov. 22, 1925 Kansas City Cowboys at NY Giants

Nov. 26, 1925 Notre Dame at Nebraska

Dec. 6, 1925 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Dec. 6, 1925 Chicago Bears at NY Giants scorcard

Dec. 13, 1925 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Dec. 13, 1925 Cleveland Bulldogs at Hartford Blues

Dec. 25, 1925 Grange and Bears at Coral Gables Collegians

Jan. 16, 1926 Grange and Bears at Los Angles Tigers

Jan. 24, 1926 Chicago Bears at San Francisco Tigers

Sept. 9, 1926 NY Yankees at Fox Valley All Stars

Sept. 25, 1926 Akron Indians at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 2, 1926 Hartford Blues at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 10, 1926 Hartford Blues at Brooklyn Lions

Oct. 16, 1926 NY Giants at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 17, 1926 Frankford Yellow Jackets at NY Giants

Oct. 23, 1926 Canton Bulldogs at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 24, 1926 Pacific Coast Wildcats at NY Yankees

Oct. 30, 1926 Providence Steam Roller at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 7, 1926 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 7, 1926 Brooklyn Horsemen at NY Yankees

Nov. 7, 1926 Akron Indians at Pottsville Maroons

Nov. 13, 1926 Duluth Eskimos at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 20, 1926 Dayton Triangles at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 25, 1926 Green Bay Packers at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 25, 1926 Philadelphia Quakers at NY Yankees

Dec. 4, 1926 Chicago Bears at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Dec. 5, 1926 Frankford Yellow Jackets at SI Stapletons scorecard

Dec. 11, 1926 Providence Steam Roller at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Dec. 18, 1926 Pottsville Maroons at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 1, 1927 New Britain at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 8, 1927 Dayton Triangles at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 15, 1927 Buffalo Bisons at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 22, 1927 NY Giants at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 23, 1927 Frankford Yellow Jackets at NY Giants

Oct. 29, 1927 Providence Steamroller at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 30, 1927 Portsmouth Steel Shoe at Cincinnati National Guard

Oct. 30, 1927 Pottsville Maroons at NY Giants

Nov. 5, 1927 Pottsville Maroons at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 6, 1927 Duluth Eskimos at NY Giants

Nov. 12, 1927 Cleveland Bulldogs at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 13, 1927 Chicago Cardinals at NY Yankees

Nov. 13, 1927 NY Giants at SI Stapletons

Nov. 19, 1927 Chicago Cardinals at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Dec. 3, 1927 Chicago Bears at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Dec, 4, 1927 NY Yankees at NY Giants

Dec. 10, 1927 NY Yankees at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Sept. 30, 1928 NY Giants at Pottsville Maroons

Oct. 6, 1928 Boston Pere Marquette at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 7, 1928 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 7, 1928 NY Yankees at Pottsville Maroons

Oct. 14, 1928 Millville Pros at Pottsville Maroons

Oct. 27, 1928 Millville at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Oct. 28, 1928 Pottsville Maroons at Providence Steam Roller

Nov. 3, 1928 Detroit Wolverines at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 4, 1928 Pottsville Maroons at Green Bay Packers

Nov. 4, 1928 Frankford Yellow Jackets at NY Giants

Nov. 6, 1928 Pottsville Maroons at NY Giants

Nov. 10, 1928 Pottsville Maroons at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Nov. 11, 1928 Frankford Yellow Jackets at Pottsville Maroons

Nov. 25, 1928 Chicago Cardinals at NY Yankees

Nov. 29, 1928 NY Giants at SI Stapletons

Nov. 29, 1928 Providence Steam Rollers at Pottsville Maroons

Dec. 2,1928 Pottsville Maroons at SI Stapletons

Dec. 16, 1928 NY Giants at NY Yankees

Sept. 15, 1929 Portsmouth Spartans at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 6, 1929 NY Giants at Providence Steam Roller

Oct. 13, 1929 SI Stapletons at NY Giants

Oct. 20, 1929 Frankford Yellow Jackets at NY Giants

Oct. 27, 1929 Providence Steam Rollers at NY Giants

Nov. 3, 1929 Cazenovias at Buffalo Bisons

Nov. 5, 1929 NY Giants at Buffalo Bisons

Nov. 10, 1929 Orange A. C. at NY Giants

Nov. 17, 1929 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 24, 1929 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 24, 1929 Ironton Tanks at Portsmouth Spartans

Nov. 28, 1929 NY Giants at SI Stapletons

Dec. 1, 1929 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Dec. 7, 1929 NY Giants at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Dec. 15, 1929 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Sept. 24, 1930 Frankford Yellow Jackets at Newark Tornadoes

Oct. 5, 1930 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 12, 1930 Frankford Yellow Jackets at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 15, 1930 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 26, 1930 Providence Steam Rollers at NY Giants

Nov. 2, 1930 Portsmouth Spartans at Green Bay Packers

Nov. 2, 1930 SI Stapletons at NY Giants

Nov. 9, 1930 NY Giants at Chicago Cardinals

Nov. 23, 1930 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 30, 1930 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Nov. 30, 1930 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants scorecard

Dec. 6, 1930 NY Giants at Frankford Yellow Jackets

Dec. 7, 1930 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Dec. 14, 1930 Notre Dame All Stars at NY Giants

Dec. 21, 1930 SI Stapletons at NY Giants

Sept. 23, 1931 Hominy Indians at NY Giants

Sept. 27, 1931 NY Giants at Providence Steam Rollers

Sept. 30, 1931 NY Giants at Portsmouth Spartans

Oct. 4, 1931 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 11, 1931 SI Stapletons at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 18, 1931 SI Stapletons at NY Giants

Oct. 18, 1931 SI Stapletons at NY Giants scorecard

Oct. 25, 1931 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Nov. 1, 1931 Bayonne Bull Dog Vikings at Passaic Red Devils

Nov. 1, 1931 Portsmouth Spartans at NY Giants

Nov. 8, 1931 Portsmouth Spartans at Chicago Bears

Nov. 15, 1931 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 22, 1931 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 29, 1931 Providence Steam Rollers at NY Giants

Oct. 2, 1932 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 9, 1932 NY Giants at Boston Braves

Oct. 9, 1932 SI Stapletons at Brooklyn Dodgers

October 16, 1932 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct. 23, 1932 Boston Braves at NY Giants

Oct. 30, 1932 Portsmouth Spartans at NY Giants

Nov. 6, 1932 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 6, 1932 Chicago Bears at NY Giants scorecard

Nov. 6, 1932 Portsmouth Spartans at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 13, 1932 Chicago Cardinals at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 13, 1932 SI Stapletons at NY Giants

Nov. 20, 1932 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 27, 1932 Boston Braves at Chicago Cardinals

Nov. 27, 1932 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Dec. 18, 1932 Portsmouth Spartans at Chicago Bears World Championship

Sept. 17, 1933 NY Giants at Gavins Nighthawks

September 24, 1933 NY Giants at Portsmouth Spartans

Oct. 1, 1933 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 8, 1933 Chicago Bears at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 15, 1933 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 15, 1933 Cincinnati Reds at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 22, 1933 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct. 29, 1933 Chicago Cardinals at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 29, 1933 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Nov. 5, 1933 Pittsburgh Pirates at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 5, 1933 Portsmouth Spartans at NY Giants

Nov. 12, 1933 Boston Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 19, 1933 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 26, 1933 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 30, 1933 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Dec. 3, 1933 Pittsburgh Pirates at NY Giants

Dec. 10, 1933 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Dec. 17, 1933 NY Giants at Chicago Bears World Championship

Sept. 16, 1934 Philadelphia Eagles at Green Bay Packers

Sept. 30, 1934 Boston Redskins at Brooklyn Dodgers

Sept. 30, 1934 Shenandoah Presidents at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 7, 1934 Chicago Bears at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 10, 1934 Washingston Senators at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 14, 1934 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct 14, 1934 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants scorecard

Oct. 21, 1934 Clifton Wessingtons at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 21, 1934 Pittsburgh Pirates at NY Giants

Oct. 28, 1934 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 4, 1934 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Nov. 4, 1934 Passaic Reds at Paterson Panthers

Nov. 6, 1934 Chicago Cardinals at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 11, 1934 NY Black Hawks at Clifton Wessingtons

Nov. 11, 1934 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 18, 1934 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 18, 1934 Chicago Bears at NY Giants scorecard

Nov. 18, 1934 Paterson Panthers at Clifton Wessingtons

Nov. 25, 1934 Boston Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 9, 1934 Chicago Bears at NY Giants World Championship

Dec. 15, 1934 Chris Cagle's All Stars at Plainfield Saracens

Dec. 23, 1934 Chicago Cardinals at California Giants

Jan. 20, 1935 NY Giants at Pacific Coast All Americans

Jan. 27, 1935 NY Giants vs Chicago Bears in LA

Sept. 8, 1935 NY Giants at Passaic Reds

Sept. 22, 1935 Temple All Stars at Passaic Reds

Sept. 22, 1935 Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 6, 1935 Brooklyn Bay Parkways at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 6, 1935 Detroit Lions at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 13, 1935 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct 20, 1935 Boston Redskins at NY Giants

Oct. 27, 1935 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 27, 1935 Philadelphia Eagles at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 3, 1935 Stapleton Buffaloes at Bay Parkway

Nov. 3, 1935 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 3, 1935 Clifton Wessingtons at Paterson Panthers

Nov 10, 1935 Astoria Ramblers at Astoria Maples

Nov. 10, 1935 NY Giants at Paterson Panthers

Nov. 10, 1935 Pittsburgh Pirates at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 17, 1935 Chicago Cardinals at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 17, 1935 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Nov. 24, 1935 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Dec. 8, 1935 Pittsburgh Pirates at NY Giants

Sept. 3, 1936 NY Giants at Orange Tornadoes

Sept. 9, 1936 Brooklyn Dodgers at Danbury Trojans

Sept. 10, 1936 NY Black Hawks at Paterson Panthers

Sept. 13, 1936 Brooklyn Dodgers at Paterson Panthers

Sept. 20, 1936 Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers

Sept. 20, 1936 Stapleton Buffaloes at Paterson Panthers

Sept. 23, 1936 Brown Bombers at Wessington-Reds

Sept. 27, 1936 Providence Steam Rollers at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 1, 1936 NY Giants at College All Stars

Oct. 4, 1936 Danbury Trojans at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 4, 1936 Orange Tornadoes at Wessington Reds

Oct. 11, 1936 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct. 11, 1936 Maryland Yellow Jackets at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 11, 1936 Boston Shamrocks at Brooklyn Tigers

Oct. 18, 1936 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 18, 1936 Wessington Reds at Paterson Panthers

Oct. 21, 1936 Pittsburgh Americans at NY Yankees

Oct. 25, 1936 Chicago Cardinals at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 25, 1936 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 25, 1936 Tamaqua Braves at Paterson Panthers

Nov. 1, 1936 Detroit Lions at NY Giants

Nov. 1, 1936 Paterson Panthers at Wessington Reds

Nov. 8, 1936 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 8, 1936 Brooklyn Dodgers at Paterson Panthers

Nov. 8, 1936 New Rochelle Bulldogs at Danbury Trojans

Nov. 11, 1936 Stapleton Buffaloes at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 15, 1936 Shenandoah Presidents at Paterson Panthers

Nov. 15, 1936 White Plains Bears at Wessington Reds

Nov. 22, 1936 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 22, 1936 Wallingford Walcos at Electic Boat Diesels

Nov. 22, 1936 Wessington Reds at Paterson Panthers

Nov. 26, 1936 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 29, 1936 Wessington Reds at Orange Tornadoes

Nov. 29, 1936 St Mary's Celtics at Paterson Panthers

Dec. 6, 1936 Boston Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 13, 1936 Orange Tornadoes at Paterson Panthers

Dec. 13, 1936 Green Bay Packers at Washington Redskins Polo Grounds World Championship

Jan. 1, 1937 NY Yankees vs. Boston Shamrocks at Orlando, Florida

Sept. 1, 1937 Brooklyn Dodgers at Danbury Trojans

Sept. 8, 1937 Eastern All Stars at NY Giants

Sept. 12, 1937 Des Moines Comets at Chicago Bears

Sept. 12, 1937 Brooklyn Dodgers at Bristol West Ends

Sept. 24, 1937 New Rochelle Bulldogs at Danbury Trojans

Oct. 17, 1937 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 24, 1937 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct. 31, 1937 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 7, 1937 Pittsburgh Pirates at NY Giants

Nov. 14, 1937 Detroit Lions at NY Giants

Nov. 21, 1937 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Dec. 5, 1937 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Sept. 7, 1938 Brooklyn Dodgers at Albany Senators

Sept. 11, 1938 Danbury Trojans at Paterson Panthers

Sept. 25, 1938 Clifton Wessingtons at Union City Rams

Oct. 3, 1938 Pittsburgh Pirates at NY Giants

Oct. 12, 1938 Paterson Panthers at Jersey City Giants

Oct. 16, 1938 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 23, 1938 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct. 30, 1938 Washington Redskins at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 6, 1938 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 6, 1938 Green Bay Packers at Chicago Bears

Nov. 13, 1938 Cleveland Rams at NY Giants

Nov. 20, 1938 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Dec. 4, 1938 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 11, 1938 Green Bay Packers at Giants World Championship

Sept. 14, 1939 Pittsburgh Pirates at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 1, 1939 NY Giants at Washington Redskins

Oct. 15, 1939 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 22, 1939 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Oct. 29, 1939 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 29, 1939 Washington Redskins at Green Bay Packers

Nov. 5, 1939 NY Giants at Detroit Lions

Nov. 5, 1939 Pittsburgh Pirates at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 12, 1939 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 12, 1939 Washington Redskins at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 19, 1939 Pittsburgh Pirates at NY Giants

Nov. 26, 1939 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Dec. 3, 1939 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Sept. 28, 1940 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Oct. 13, 1940 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 20, 1940 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 27, 1940 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 10, 1940 Cleveland Rams at NY Giants

Nov. 17, 1940 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 24, 1940 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 1, 1940 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Sept. 7, 1941 Brown Bombers at Hartford Blues

Sept. 7, 1941 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Oct. 12, 1941 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 19, 1941 Columbus Bulls at NY Americans

Oct. 19, 1941 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Nov. 2, 1941 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 9, 1941 Detroit Lions at NY Giants

Nov. 16, 1941 Cleveland Rams at NY Giants

Nov. 23, 1941 Chicago Bears at Detroit Lions

Nov. 23, 1941 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 7, 1941 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Jan. 4, 1942 Chicago Bears at NFL All Stars Polo Grounds

Sept. 20, 1942 Ken Stong's All Stars vs. Brooklyn Dodgers at Rutgers Stadium

Oct. 11, 1942 Chicago Cardinals at Chicago Bears

Oct. 11, 1942 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 18, 1942 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Oct. 25, 1942 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 1, 1942 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Nov. 8, 1942 NY Giants at Phiadelphia Eagles

Nov. 15, 1942 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 22, 1942 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Dec. 6, 1942 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Oct. 9, 1943 NY Giants at Eagles-Steelers

Oct. 17, 1943 NY Giants at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 31, 1943 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 7, 1943 NY Giants at Detroit Lions

Nov. 14, 1943 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 28, 1943 Brooklyn Dodgers at NY Giants

Nov. 28, 1943 Green Bay Packers at New London Diesels

Dec. 5, 1943 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 19, 1943 Washington Redskins at NY Giants Eastern Div. Playoff

Sept. 13, 1944 NY Giants at Sampson Naval Training Center

Sept. 17, 1944 NY Giants at Chicago Bears

Oct. 8, 1944 NY Giants at Boston Yanks

Oct. 22, 1944 Steelers-Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 29, 1944 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 12, 1944 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Nov. 12, 1944 Washington Redskins at Brooklyn Tigers

Nov. 19, 1944 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 26, 1944 Brooklyn Tigers at NY Giants

Dec. 3, 1944 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 17, 1944 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants Championship

Oct. 14, 1945 NY Giants at NY Yanks

Oct. 21, 1945 Chicago Cardinals at Detroit Lions

Oct, 21, 1945 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 21, 1945 Cleveland Rams at Chicago Bears

Oct. 28, 1945 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Oct. 28, 1945 Cleveland Rams at Philadelphia Eagles

Oct. 28, 1945 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 11, 1945 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Nov. 18, 1945 Detroit Lions at NY Giants

Nov. 25, 1945 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Dec. 2, 1945 Philadelphia Eagles at New York Giants

Dec. 9, 1945 NY Giants at Washington Redskins

Sept. 12, 1946 NY Giants at Jersey City Giants

Sept. 13, 1946 Cleveland Browns at Chicago Rockets

Sept. 14, 1946 Buffalo Bisons at NY Yankees

Sept. 20, 1946 NY Yankees at Chicago Rockets

Sept. 28, 1946 Pottsville Maroons at Pottstown Steamrollers

Sept. 30, 1946 NY Giants at Boston Yanks

Oct. 11, 1946 Chicago Rockets at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 12, 1946 Cleveland Browns at NY Yankees

Oct. 20, 1946 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 25, 1946 Miami Seahawks at Brooklyn Dodgers

Oct. 27, 1946 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Oct. 27, 1946 Pittsburgh Steelers at Boston Yanks

Nov. 3, 1946 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Nov. 3, 1946 Paterson Panthers at Jersey City Giants

Nov. 10, 1946 Buffalo Bisons at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 10, 1946 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 17, 1946 Boston Yanks at NY Giants

Nov. 17, 1946 Los Angeles Dons at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 24, 1946 San Francisco 49ers at Brooklyn Dodgers

Nov. 24, 1946 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Nov. 28, 1946 NY Yankees at Brooklyn Dodgers

Dec. 1, 1946 LA Rams at NY Giants

Dec. 8, 1946 Cleveland Browns at Brooklyn Dodgers

Dec. 8, 1946 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 15, 1946 Chicago Bears at NY Giants World Championship

Nov. 9, 1947 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 30, 1947 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 24, 1948 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Nov. 7, 1948 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Oct. 16, 1949 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 23, 1949 Chicago Bears at NY Giants

Nov. 20, 1949 Detroit Lions and NY Giants

Nov. 27, 1949 Washington Redskins at New York Giants

Dec. 4, 1949 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Dec. 11, 1949 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Oct. 22, 1950 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Nov. 5, 1950 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 12, 1950 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Dec. 3, 1950 NY Yanks at NY Giants

Dec. 10, 1950 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Oct. 14, 1951 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 21, 1951 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 18, 1951 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Oct. 19, 1952 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 26, 1952 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Dec. 7, 1952 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 14, 1952 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Sept. 27, 1953 NY Giants at LA Rams

Nov. 15, 1953 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Dec. 13, 1953 Detroit Lions at NY Giants

Aug. 21, 1954 NY Giants vs Chicago Cardinals at Spokane

Sept. 26, 1954 NY Giants at Chicago Cardinals

Oct. 2, 1954 NY Giants at Baltimore Colts

Oct. 17, 1954 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 24, 1954 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 28, 1954 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Aug. 28, 1955 NY Giants at Los Angeles Rams

Oct. 23, 1955 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 30, 1955 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 13, 1955 Baltimore Colts at NY Giants

Nov. 20, 1955 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 27, 1955 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Sept. 8, 1956 NY Giants at San Francisco 49ers

Sept. 30, 1956 NY Giants at SF Forty Niners

Oct. 7, 1956 NY Giants at Chicago Cardinals

Oct. 21, 1956 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 28, 1956 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 11, 1956 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 25, 1956 Chicago Bears at New York Giants

Dec. 2, 1956 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 15, 1956 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Dec. 30, 1956 Chicago Bears at NY Giants World's Championship

Aug. 18, 1957 NY Giants at San Francisco Forty Niners

Oct. 20, 1957 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 27, 1957 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 10, 1957 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 17, 1957 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 24, 1957 NY Giants at Chicago Cardinals

Dec. 15, 1957 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Aug. 17, 1958 NY Giants at San Francisco Forty Niners

Aug. 29, 1958 NY Giants at Detroit Lions

Sept. 28, 1958 NY Giants at Chicago Cardinals

Oct. 19, 1958 Chicago Cardinals at NY Giants

Oct. 26, 1958 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Nov. 16, 1958 NY Giants at Pittsburgh Steelers

Nov. 23, 1958 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 30, 1958 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Dec. 14, 1958 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Dec. 21, 1958 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Dec. 28, 1958 Baltimore Colts at NY Giants World Championship

Aug. 15, 1959 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles Hershey

Sept. 26, 1959 NY Giants at Los Angeles Rams

Nov. 1, 1959 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants

Nov. 15, 1959 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Dec. 6, 1959 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Dec. 27, 1959 NY Giants at Baltimore Colts World Championship

Sept. 12, 1960 Calgary Stampeders at BC Lions

Oct. 16,1960 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Oct. 30, 1960 St. Louis Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 13, 1960 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Nov. 27, 1960 NY Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

Dec. 18, 1960 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Oct. 22, 1961 Los Angeles Rams at NY Giants

Oct. 29, 1961 Dallas Cowboys at NY Giants

Nov. 12, 1961 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 19, 1961 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Dec. 17, 1961 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Dec. 31, 1961 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers World Championship

Aug. 11, 1962 St. Louis Cardinals vs NY Giants at Canton HOF

Oct. 14, 1962 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Oct. 21 1962 Detroit Lions at NY Giants

Oct. 28, 1962 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Nov. 4, 1962 St. Louis Cardinals at NY Giants

Nov. 18, 1962 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Dec. 9, 1962 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Dec. 16, 1962 Dallas Cowboys at NY Giants

Dec. 30, 1962 Green Bay Packers at NY Giants World Championship

Aug. 17, 1963 Giants v Lions & Colts v Browns in Cleveland

Sept. 8, 1963 HOF Dedication Cleveland Browns vs Pittsburgh Steelers

Oct. 6, 1963 Syracuse Stormers at Grand Rapids Blazers

Oct. 13, 1963 Cleveland Browns at NY Giants

Oct. 20, 1963 Dallas Cowboys at NY Giants

Nov. 10, 1963 Philadelphia Eagles at NY Giants

Nov. 17, 1963 San Francisco 49ers at NY Giants

Nov. 24, 1963 St. Louis Cardinals at NY Giants

Dec. 8, 1963 Washington Redskins at NY Giants

Dec. 15, 1963 Pittsburgh Steelers at NY Giants

Dec. 29, 1963 NY Giants at Chicago Bears World Championship

Aug. 10, 1968 NY Giants at Green Bay Packers

Oct. 10, 1976 Dallas Cowboys at NY Giants

Dec. 26, 1976 AFC NFC Playoff Review Copy

Dec. 12, 1993 Indianapolis Colts at NY Giants 35th Anniversary of 1958 Championship